Wild Hearts Medicine Society

"Return to the Garden"

“When the Colonists arrived in the New World and first shared their faith with the indigenous inhabitants. The new world peoples identified with the stories of the garden of Eden Exclaiming this is us! This is the garden!”

A Pilgrimage of the Soul

Join don Zane Curfman on a spiritual adventure, a pilgrimage of renewing our soul and reclaiming our essential self. In this program Mother Nature will open her classroom to us. We will learn by working with the nature spirits of the Appalachian Mountains, one of the most ancient mountain ranges on earth. We will visit places that were known and venerated by the indignous inhabitants of the region.

These places hold the collective memory of the past, through ceremony we awaken them, weaving together an energy grid that serves as a launch pad to catapult us into our future destiny.

Through ancient earth honoring ceremonies and initiation rights we renew our connection to the nature spirits and are welcomed, once again to walk in beauty in the garden.

This retreat is open to new and returning students.

The Land Celebration

We will be staying at the beautiful Land Celebration in Gore Va..A 40-acre Re-Creational facility nestled in foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in a true nature preserve. The Land Celebration will serve as our spiritual ceremonial center and entry point to the sacred spots we will be visiting.

Whats included:

Your tuition covers your lodging in bunk houses all teachings, inititations, ceremonies and entry to all. sites.

Whats not included:
Transportation to and from the sites, carpooling is encoraged. Food. There is a large community kitchen to store your supplies and do food preperation. For the nature trips it is recommended that you pack a lunch and snacks.

Zane Curfman

Zane Curfman known as "don Zane" to his students and godchildren, is The author of Inka Mountain Magic and has been serving his community as a healer and spiritual leader for over 20 years.

Zane started apprenticing with the Q’ero Paqo Kuna tradition (nature mystic/shamanism) in his early 20’s. He fell in love with the culture and the spiritual traditions of the region, studying with many of the indigenous spiritual masters of the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes

Zane serves as a Chaka Runa a bridge for the spirits. He was tasked by his indigenous masters to adapt these teachings for the western mind while preserving their cultural roots. To this end He created the Katari Tradition of Cross-cultural Shamanism, the Wild Hearts Medicine Society and the Art of Spiritual Healing Shaman Apprenticeship Program.

Zane believes these traditions of eco-spirituality hold essential keys for unlocking the spiritual potential of the individual and the preservation of our environment.

In 2009 Zane performed the Nameing Ceremony for his Q'ero Goddaughter and was adopted by the family of Maria Scolie and Husto Apaza becoming an honorary member of the Q’ero village of Qiqo.

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